Thursday, January 9, 2020
Medical Records and the Implementation of Health Informatics
Introduction Health Informatics or Medical Informatics is the intersection of information science, computer science, and health care. Health Informatics offers resources, devices, and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information in health and biomedicine. The applicable areas would be nursing, clinical care, dentistry, pharmacy, public health, and bio medical research. Electronic health information systems are the science that addresses how to use information to improve health care. This paper will present the concept of electronic health records (EHRs) and the current developments and analysis of the transition and implementation of health informatics in health care organizations†¦show more content†¦Electronic health records only allow access to the required information from authorized personnel. Electronic Records and Physicians The evolution of health care informatics developed in four stages. The development of bioinformatics the first stage, in the 1950s, medical informatics was the second stage in the 1960s, public health informatics, the third stage in the 1990s also consumer health informatics, the fourth stage in the 1990s. In the first stage of health care informatics, Robert Ledley was the first to use a computer for health purposes at the National Bureau of Standards, to study dental projects. The field of Health Informatics collects data from a variety of patients, and uses that information to create successful patient care. Health Informatics is a combination of computer sciences, communication technologies, biological, and cognitive sciences to address today’s health care problems utilizing data management, analysis, and transmission. Dental hygienists handle vast amounts of data in clinical practice. There are new techniques/products that they read about on the Internet, and they ask if this particular treatment would be of benefit. On the other side of the equation, we find that dental hygienists are using the Internet to search for the same types of information. However, being bombarded with a plethora of information from both sides of the spectrum, howShow MoreRelatedEvolution of Healthcare Informatics893 Words  | 4 Pagesadmittedly simplistic method of storing and accessing this vital medical information: a paper chart, pencil, and clipboard. While scrawling a diagnostic conjecture or the result of blood test on a patients official medical record sufficed until the dawn of the computing age, with the advent of mainframe databases in the early 1960s, digital data storage in the late 1990s, and cloud computing today, the concept of healthcare informatics has emerged to enable nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and otherRead MoreKey Functional Areas of Nursing Informatics1562 Words  | 6 PagesNursing informatics Key functional areas of nursing informatics There are 9 key functional areas of nursing informatics. 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