Monday, August 24, 2020
Swot Analysis Giant Step Records free essay sample
As Giant Step has extended its worker base, this takes into consideration collective choice creation which can prompt expanded inventiveness and systems administration. †¢Through the utilization of an organization site, Giant Step can extend its market fundamentally and produce an expansion in income by selling downloads and stock. What's more, fans can associate with craftsmen and keep steady over visits/shows and collection discharge dates. †¢As an autonomous record name, Giant Step isn't compelled by a top managerial staff to sign a particular sound. This takes into account Giant Step to sign and advance craftsmen they are genuinely keen on in light of the fact that they love their music and have faith in them. †¢As a littler, autonomous mark, Giant Step needs to chance to shape more grounded, increasingly close to home associations with their specialists. Dangers †¢Online music robbery. As a huge number of individuals get music wrongfully and for nothing, CD deals dive and specialists/record names pass up music benefits. We will compose a custom paper test on Swot Analysis Giant Step Records or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Legitimate MP3 organizations, for example, ITunes, take into account clients to buy singular melodies, rather than whole collections, which causes a lessening in record deals. Rivalry from significant record names can push the littler free names out of the market. †¢Due to that reality that Giant Step Records is a littler, progressively casual music mark, there is an opportunities for disorder and mix-ups. In the event that bookkeeping or accounts are neglected, this could prompt wrong installment for craftsmen. †¢Although it is littler in estimate and can shape more close to home associations with craftsmen than bigger names, Giant Step risks having less impact and force inside the music business. Goliath Step will most likely be unable to take into account the entirety of the visit and advancement needs of their specialists.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Production Management Of Movies
Creation Management Of Movies Makers have by and large control on each part of a movies creation, uniting the Screenwriters, Director, cast, funds and creation group. Their essential obligation is to encourage a situation wherein the innovative abilities of the cast and team can prosper Producers are along these lines at last responsible for the achievement of the completed film. Makers numerous obligations range every one of the four periods of creation: Â · Development Producers are frequently liable for concocting the fundamental reason of a creation, or for choosing the screenplay. Makers secure the important rights, select the screenwriter and story altering group, raise the improvement financing, and direct the advancement procedure. Â · Pre-creation Producers commonly unite the key individuals from the innovative group, including the Director, Cinematographer and chief cast. They help the Executive Producers to raise money for the creation. When this is set up, they select other key faculty, for example, the Line Producer, Associate Producer and Production Manager, just as the rest of the Heads of Departments, for example, Production Designer, Editor and Composer. Makers likewise take an interest in area exploring, and affirm the last shooting content, creation calendar and financial plan. Â · Production Producers are liable for the everyday tasks of the creating group, however numerous down to earth capacities are appointed to the Line Producer and any Associate Producers. Makers are additionally in steady correspondence and discussion with the Director, and with other key inventive work force, here and there set. Makers favor all content changes and cost reports, and keep on filling in as the essential purpose of contact for all creation accomplices, financial specialists and Distributors. Â · Post-creation and advertising Producers are relied upon to liaise by and by with after creation work force, including the Editor, Composer, and Visual Effects staff. They at that point talk with all inventive and monetary work force on the creation of the appropriate response (or last) print, and they are generally associated with the money related and dispersion elements in arranging the showcasing and conveyance of the completed film. It is uncommon to discover one Producer who has the aptitude and vision to practice individual dynamic authority over every one of the four periods of creation. Makers ordinarily delegate a portion of these capacities to Executive Producers, Co-makers, Line Producers and Associate Producers. Be that as it may, the Producer is liable for most of the creating capacities all through all the procedures of the film. Official Producer The customary job of the Executive Producer is to direct crafted by the Producer for the benefit of the studio, the agents or the merchants, and to guarantee that the movie is finished on schedule, and inside financial plan, to concurred imaginative and specialized gauges. The term frequently applies to a maker who has raised a critical extent of a movies money, or who has tied down the fundamental rights to the undertaking. Regularly, Executive Producers are not engaged with the specialized parts of the filmmaking procedure, however have played a pivotal budgetary or imaginative job in guaranteeing that the venture goes into creation. Duties As there might be a few Executive Producers on a film, it is hard to characterize their careful obligations. Be that as it may, they for the most part fall into at least one of the accompanying classes: Â · Development the Executive Producer ties down the rights to a story and builds up the screenplay, however then hands over to the lead Producer, and has no immediate association in the physical creation of the film. Â · Packaging the Executive Producer approves and manages the bundling of the film. Â · Financing the Executive Producer raises a noteworthy extent of subsidizing for the film, helps with presales, or assists with making sure about dissemination understandings. On littler free movies, a notable Producer, Director or star may likewise be agreed this title in light of the fact that their relationship with the undertaking assists with encouraging contacts with agents and Distributors. Â · Production the Executive Producer goes about as a coach to the Producer and directs creation for the agents. This kind of Executive Producer is quite often engaged with short film creation plans, where they commonly co-ordinate the movies creation from introductory financing through to definite dissemination. Partner Producer or Assistant Producer Partner Producers complete noteworthy capacities in the creation or after creation process, which would somehow or another be performed by the Producer, Executive Producer or Co-Producer. These obligations may go from assisting with raising creation account toward the start of the creation procedure, to regulating the last phases of after creation. Partner Producers in Film are normally people inside creation organizations who have assumed an especially critical job in the advancement of the content or screenplay, or in the bundling procedure, or who have contributed significant imaginative plans to the creation. They might be another maker; or a senior Script Editor who assists with molding the course of the last drafts of the screenplay, and without whom the film may not be financed; or the Producers Assistant who regulates advancement or after creation for the Producer in their nonappearance. The term Associate Producer is likewise in some cases used to portray a Producer from a l ittler creation organization which is co-delivering the film, who has ordinarily raised a limited quantity of financing for the task, however insufficient to warrant an Executive Producer or Co-Producer credit. Obligations Partner Producers contribute essentially to the creation procedure, as they are answerable for explicit components appointed to them by the Producer. This different job may include advancement, bundling, raising creation account, managing the creation configuration group (sets, ensembles, and so forth.), regulating after creation, or co-ordinating crafted by the different enhanced visualizations organizations. Truth be told, they may do any creation work that the Producer is too occupied to even think about supervising by and by, and which isn't secured by one of the other creation jobs (for example Official Producer, Co-maker, Line Producer). Whatever their careful job, Associate Producers must have the option to investigate any creation challenges or issues that come quite close to duty. Line Producer The Line Producer is one of the primary individuals to be utilized on a movies creation by the Producer and Executive Producers. Line Producers are infrequently associated with the advancement of the task, yet regularly assume a urgent job in costing the creation so as to furnish financial specialists with the certainty to put resources into the undertaking. When the fund has been raised, the Line Producer regulates the arrangement of the movies spending plan, and the everyday arranging and running of the creation. Line Producers are normally utilized on an independent premise. They should hope to work extended periods, however the job can be monetarily extremely fulfilling. Professional success depends on their experience and notoriety. Where a Line Producer has an inventive contribution to the creation, the person in question is frequently credited as a Co-maker. Duties Line Producers are accountable for all the business parts of the physical creation of movies. They are called Line Producers since they can't begin work until they recognize what the line is between the over the-line costs, which identify with journalists, makers, executives and cast, and the underneath the-line costs which incorporate everything else, e.g., group pay rates, gear rentals, advancement costs, areas, set plan and development, protection, and so on. Line Producers are typically enrolled onto the creation group during the later phases of advancement. They are given the content and requested to evaluate the imaginable underneath the line cost of the creation which includes separating the screenplay into a calendar a timetable for the film shoot that shows to what extent it will take to shoot every scene. From this timetable the Line Producer can precisely appraise the expense of every days shooting, and produce a temporary spending plan assessing the aggregate sum of finan cing required. When the Producer and Executive Producers have raised the necessary fund, the film can go into pre-creation. During pre-creation, Line Producers work intimately with the Director, Production Manager, First Assistant Director, Art Director and different Heads of Department to set up the creation calendar and financial plan, and to set the shoot date. Line Producers manage all other pre-creation exercises, including recruiting the creation group, setting up the creation office, area exploring, guaranteeing consistence with guidelines and codes of work on, sourcing hardware and providers, choosing team, drawing in supporting artistes and givers, and observing the advancement of the workmanship division and other creation offices. During creation, Line Producers hand over control of the last financial plan to the Production Accountant, and representative the everyday activity of the creation office to the Production Manager and Production Co-ordinator. In any case, Line Producers are at last liable for regulating all exercises, and for guaranteeing that the creation is finished on schedule and inside spending plan. This requires setting up and executing monetary observing frameworks, controlling creation use, controlling creation materials, and checking and controlling the advancement of creations. Line Producers for the most part permit a 10% possibility in the financial plan to provide food for unanticipated conditions, and invest quite a bit of their energy shuffling figures and assets. Line Producers are liable for certain Health and Safety methodology, and for sifting through any protection claims. Toward the finish of the shoot, the Line Producer manages
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Financial Tips to Help You Through the Government Shutdown
Financial Tips to Help You Through the Government Shutdown Financial Tips to Help You Through the Government Shutdown Financial Tips to Help You Through the Government ShutdownIf youre a government worker whos been furloughed and is currently living no-paycheck-to-no-paycheck, tapping your savings is a better option than racking up high-interest debt.As you’re reading this, the longest United States Government shutdown in history will have either recently ended or still be ongoing with no end in sight.That means wide-ranging implications across all of the “non-essential government services, but it also means that many, many individuals and their families are dealing with some very difficult financial situations. Furloughed workers have been hit the hardest.Those most directly and immediately affected by the shutdown are all of the government workers who aren’t getting paid. According to a recent report from the New York Times, the average furloughed federal worker has so far missed over $5,000 in salary.“More than 800,000 government workers have not received pay since the shutdown began on D ecember 22, which could create an especially dire situation for those living paycheck-to-paycheck,†explained Leslie H. Tayne Esq. (@LeslieHTayneEsq), Founder and Head Attorney at Tayne Law Group (@taynelawgroup).“Tightening the household budget is an essential first step. If this is not enough, furloughed employees may wish to seek other employment or apply for unemployment. However, government regulations and conflict of interest policies can restrict where these employees apply for work.Additionally, she added, unemployment benefits can take a week or more to go into effect, and employees will be required to return any benefits received once the government returns to full operations and back pay is issued.Those families impacted are now worried about bills from the holidays, paying rent or mortgages, day care expenses, debts they may already have had and depleting their savings to stay alive during this time. The stress of not knowing and also the restrictions of having to still go to work with no money for gas and bills is overwhelming many.â€So what can they do?Have a rainy day fund? Well, its raining right now.Since banks and utility companies don’t seem to have shut down with the government in solidarity, workers may have to tap into their savingsâ€"if they have themâ€"to pay their bills.“If dipping into savings becomes necessary, consider drawing from personal savings first,†advised Tayne. “Taking from your 401(k) should be your last resort since you might be required to pay it back, which would add to your financial drain, or you might suffer a tax consequence or penalty for taking the funds early.Government employees can apply for a ‘financial hardship’ withdrawal from their 401(k) accounts. However, this should be considered an absolute last resort, and will be granted only if the situation meets specific hardship qualifications. So many have limited savings accounts to use and may only be able to last a month if they are lucky.S pend less, and find out if you can pay less, too. Tayne also recommended talking to your landlord or mortgage company, credit card companies, and other utilities to find out what programs they can offer to reduce your payments temporarily.Some banks and credit unions are offering loans with low interest rates to government workers suffering financial hardship, she said, adding that workers should resort to using their credit cards with caution and limit their spending to absolute necessities. Consider any purchases you intended to make to be put off until you’re back to work if possible.You should also consider an open and frank discussion with age-appropriate household members to discuss purchases and spending during this time, she added. Families affected should work to avoid racking up too much debt during these times, as it will have an even more profound negative impact in the long run.â€Stay vigilant and build your emergency fund.We’d love to tell you that there won’t be another shutdown. Or at least, not one anytime soon. But we can’t tell you that. Because there might be! (And lets not forget that another shutdown requires this one to end first.)In the case of a future shutdown, it’s important to be prepared for that possibility.“Having a solid emergency fund will be key to surviving a shutdown,†Tayne told us. “In general, you should always be working to pump up your emergency savings. However, if there is speculation that a shutdown is imminent, consider padding your emergency fund even more.“While living paycheck-to-paycheck can mean saving is nearly impossible, she added, doing so to the best of your ability can help prepare you should a shutdown put you in a dire financial situation or if a financial crisis occurs during the shutdown.Already working on a fairly tight budget? You may also consider finding a side job or taking more hours on when this government shutdown is over to bolster your savings, advised Tayne.Dont worry t hough, this dark cloud does come with one possible silver lining:If you prepare for a shutdown and one doesn’t happen, or it is short-lived, you will certainly not regret having more money in your emergency savings, she offered.Waiting on your federal tax refund? It could be awhile.While the government workers are being hit the hardest, they aren’t the only ones who might not be getting the checks they need to get by.“One of the most prominent ramifications of the government shutdown is the effect on the IRS,†explained Tayne. “As a result of disruptions in the IRS, tax refunds may be delayed. Many families rely on their tax refunds to be able to pay down debts.In order to prepare for the delay in receiving refunds, families should carefully monitor their spending in the meantime, she said. If possible, avoid adding to your debt while you wait for the refund if you were going to use that refund to pay down your debt. The more you charge on a credit card, the more interest you’ll rack up over time, meaning your refund will have less of an impact when you finally receive it.One way to account for current shortfalls is to try and fast track your (eventual) return:If you were using that money for other purchases, you might want to consider getting your taxes prepared and submitted sooner, ahead of the April 15th deadline. Note that this does not affect your state taxes or any refunds you might receive through the state.You might also delay purchases and financial commitments that you were relying on until the money actually arrives in order to not put yourself in a compromising financial position where you could end up with more debt and a limited ability or inability to repay, she continued. Revisiting your intended use of the funds and what other sources you have would be a good exercise at this time.If a delayed refund is putting you in a real financial bind, you can always ask for some leeway:You may even consider a call to your creditors to let th em know your situation and see if they offer options for lowered interest rates or extension of programs you are already involved in that are helping to keep your debt down, said Tayne.Hopefully, this advice will help you if the shutdown is still going on or to prepare for the next one. If there’s a next one. Hopefully, there won’t be!To learn more about financial best practices, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:From Budget to Baller: 6 Tips to Grow Your Money8 Good Habits to Get Your Financesâ€"and Your Lifeâ€"on TrackThe Broke Person’s Guide to Credit Cards8 Ways To Save Money Today, Tomorrow and Every Day AfterHow are you getting through the shutdown? Let us know! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter.ContributorsLeslie H. Tayne, Esq. (@LeslieHTayneEsq) has nearly 20 years’ experience in the practice area of consumer and business financial debt-related services. Leslie is the founder and head attorney at Tayne Law Group (@taynelawgroup), which specializes in debt relief.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Interpersonal Communication Skills - 9471 Words
INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS THAT ENHANCE ORGANISATIONAL COMMITMENT Mary Bambacas and Margaret Patrickson Abstract The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, to investigate the interpersonal communication skills that human resource (HR) managers expect managers in supervisory positions possess. Second, to identify which of these skills HR managers expect managers use to engender subordinate commitment to the organisation. Third, the paper aims to investigate what interpersonal communication skills that enhance employee commitment to the organisation are most lacking in managers in supervisory positions. Keyword(s): Interpersonal communications; Interpersonal skills; Job satisfaction. Introduction Over the last three†¦show more content†¦Relationships between superiors and subordinates, horizontal and informal communication and the personal feedback dimension form the relational dimension. Each dimension considers a number of skills simulatneously. For example, the â€Å"relationship to superiors†dimension measures skills such as â€Å"openness of superiors to subordinates as well as superiors ability to listen†(Downs, 1994, p. 115). The personal feedback dimension considered â€Å"superiors†understanding of problems faced on the job and the clarity of criteria judging employees (Downs and Adrian, 2004). It would appear that literature on communication has investigated general aspects of interpersonal communication rather than communication skills. A good example is the study by Brunetto and Farr-Wharton (2004). Brunetto and Farr-Warren investigated supervisor communication, corporate communication, personal communication and the communication climate of employees from three Australian private and public organisations. Few articles have considered specific interpersonal communication variables (Guzley, 1992; Heffernan and Poole, 2005; Henttonen and Blomqvist, 2005; Penley and Hawkins, 1985). Penley and Hawkins for example, considered communication responsiveness of supervisors (listening and responding to issues), and personal communication (discussed personal issues with subordinate) but more variables measured what information was exchanged rather than how it was exchanged. In addition, Guzley (1992)Show MoreRelatedInterpersonal Communication Skill Of Feedback983 Words  | 4 PagesThe interpersonal communication skill of feedback is essential for hospital nurses to give a suitable care to each patient because it enables the nurses to learn, and improve their motivation, performance and efficiency that assist to achieve their goal which is to help the patients heal. The interpersonal communication skill of feedback is a system of conveying information between two people regarding the receiverà ¢â‚¬â„¢s performance (Baker et al. 2013). 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Friday, May 8, 2020
Role Of Women During World War II - 950 Words
Dana Tribandis William McGovern History 116 December 1 2015 The Role of Women in World War II In the early 19th century the role of women was typically categorized as doing chores around the house and raising children. Seldom were women seen with real jobs or in positions of full-time employment but as the United States developed so did the role of women. One of the largely contributing factors to the evolution of women’s role in society was the conditions of the US at war. World War II was a war that required more military and industrial manpower than any the United States had ever experienced before. A war that involved over fifty countries and one hundred million soldiers, the war was the most devastating in human history. The American war effort demanded increased production of war materials in addition to the millions of American men who were deployed across the world. The resulting work shortage led to a massive, wide-scale incorporation of American women in the workforce rectify the problem. More than six million women took jobs for the first time during World War II, and many, almost two million, worked in traditionally male domains manufacturing war items such as engines, artillery, and aircraft frames. Eventually, albeit not right away, military leaders began to realize the necessity of utilizing women in the armed services. While not drafted, branches of military created women’s corps to free men to fight in the actual combat. More than 275,000 American womenShow MoreRelatedRoles Of Women During World War II1338 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout history women have been burdened to be nothing more than domestic individuals. Their roles were to fulfill their household duties as wives and mothers. Many restrictions applied to their womanhood and not being able to work was one of them. However, the roles of women changed during World War II. As men were being recruited to fight in the war the openings for jobs were in high demand. During this time many women began to commence in the workforce alterin g the role of women, particularly thoseRead MoreWomen s Roles During World War II1641 Words  | 7 PagesWomen’s Roles During World War II On September 3rd 1939 World War II started in Europe. During World War II, more than 16 million American men served in the military. While this large portion of the population was overseas fighting for the United States, women had to do many of the jobs in America normally held by men. Women were considered vital assets to the war effort, and the American government made sure to use their skills and labor in many different areas to win the war. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why Case Studies Free Essays
A case study is a snapshot from a moment in time when businesses are facing key decisions PURPOSE: Case studies are meant to expose students to business scenarios and problems as well as help students develop the methodology to solve those problems How to Approach a Case Study? Read the prompt/given questions Read the case. Take preliminary notes What is the core problem? Write it out in 1-2 sentences Read through the case again. Find 3 alternatives and jot down pros/cons Solution impacts Things to Think: Long term vs. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Case Studies or any similar topic only for you Order Now . Short term Risk vs.. Reward Processes/procedures Target Consumer Financial Viability Brand Image Fixed vs.. Variable Costs Profit vs.. Revenue Format of the Case Report Paragraph 1: Intro/Problem Paragraph 2*: Alternative 1 with pros/cons Paragraph Alternative 2 with pros/cons Paragraph Alternative 3 with pros/cons Paragraph 5: Recommendation and why that solution is the best course of action * Can be combined together to save space * 3 Alternatives are recommended but not required 12 apt. Times New Roman, 1†³ Margins Formal Paper (no â€Å"I†, etc. ) Should be an â€Å"Executive Summary/’ (I. E. How to cite Why Case Studies, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Pros and Cons of Nuclear Science Essay Example
The Pros and Cons of Nuclear Science Essay Nuclear energy is a powerful source of energy compared to other conventional fuels. All crude oil based fuels derive their energy from oxidation, which is a change in the energy levels of electrons outside the nucleus. However, nuclear energy derives power from changes in the nuclear energy levels of the atomic nucleus! Tremendous energy lies locked up inside a radioactive nucleus and nuclear fission is a way of tapping this energy. Nuclear power plants derive energy from controlled nuclear fission reactions. This article discusses the pros and cons of using nuclear energy. Every powerful source of energy discovered by man, comes at a price. Nuclear energy comes with its share of risks and hazards. This article discusses nuclear energy pros and cons. It explore both sides of nuclear energy, that is its upside and downside. The pros and cons of nuclear energy use, need to be put in front of our policy makers in the government. Read on, to know and understand the price we must pay for nuclear energy to work and the benefits it offers over conventional energy resources. Nuclear Energy: Pros Here are some advantages of using nuclear energy over other conventional energy sources. Phenomenal Energy Output Among the pros and cons of nuclear energy, this is the most important pro point. The energy produced in nuclear fission of fissionable material like Uranium-235, is 10 million times the energy obtained by burning same mass of coal! There are many uses of nuclear energy. The heat derived can be driven to power multitude of applications. If you are interested in knowing how such a phemomenal energy output is made possible, read, How does a Nuclear Power Plant Work? Low Emission Levels Nuclear fission leads to almost zero green house gas emission. So compared to conventional energy sources, nuclear fission is very clean! Reliable Energy Source Nuclear energy is a comparatively reliable energy resource, unaffected by strikes and shortages around the world, as very little is required at a time and its well distributed around the world. Nuclear Energy: Cons We will write a custom essay sample on The Pros and Cons of Nuclear Science specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Pros and Cons of Nuclear Science specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Pros and Cons of Nuclear Science specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Here are some points which illuminate the downside of nuclear energy use. Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters A nuclear meltdown occurs when there is an acute shortage of coolant water in the nuclear reactor. This can lead to disastrous consequences, causing a reactor equipment meltdown, exposing the world to high dosages of radioactivity. The Chernobyl disaster which killed thousands, remains a blot on the history of nuclear energy. For more information on this, read Nuclear Power Plant Disasters. There is a risk of such a disaster occurring and destroying everything in its wake. The designing and maintenance of nuclear reactors is crucial in avoiding such disasters. Radioactive Exposure The danger of radioactive exposure during mining and extraction of uranium like radioactive ores, looms in developing countries. The radioactive rubble and debris left after mining, if not properly disposed, can lead to several diseases like cancer and mutation. For more information on radioactive exposure hazards, read effects of nuclear radiation. Radioactive Waste Disposal Problems The safe disposal of radioactive waste is a major problem. Fission of a material like Uranium leaves by products, which are themselves radioactive and highly harmful to the environment. Radioactivity cannot be turned off and therefore there is no way but to bury radioactive waste, without leading to extra complications arising out of it. A Catalyst for Nuclear Weapons Proliferation Often, nuclear breeder reactor programs are smoke screen for the development of nuclear weapons. There is no guarantee that fissionable nuclear fuel supplied to a country will not be used to produce weapons of mass destruction like atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs! If this technology falls in the wrong hands, like fundamentalist and terrorist groups, can spell disaster for the world. So there is a considerable risk in promoting the use of technology, which makes nuclear energy possible. This compilation of pros and cons about nuclear energy will give you an idea about the measure of risk involved in nuclear energy production. I have tried to be as unbiased as possible, while discussing nuclear energy pros and cons here. There are risks involved as one can see. For more information read, Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power. What I personally think is that nuclear energy should be an energy option, but shouldnt be the only one we are relying on for the future. After all, it is not a renewable energy resource and like crude oil, uranium like radioactive fuel sources will be exhausted one day. So nuclear energy is not a permanent solution to the energy problem but a temporary and inevitable one at best. The long term solution lies in developing technology based on renewable energy sources like wind energy, tidal energy and solar energy. Hope the discussion of nuclear energy pros and cons here has put things in perspective for you.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Juvenile Drug Courts essays
Juvenile Drug Courts essays Drug Courts came about as a result of a backlogged court system and a steady, rapidly increasing prison population. Drug courts are a form of diversion that helps the offender through rehabilitation and the community through an increased sense of protection, which serves the best interest of everyone. Drug Courts are community based intermediate sanctions that incorporate treatment principles into the Criminal Justice System and divert drug offenders from traditional punishments of probation and prison. The objective of drug courts programs is to treat the underlying problems of addiction among drug offenders and eliminate participants future drug use and crime (Cresswell, Deschenes, 2001, 259). Drug courts came about as a result of the 1980s war on drugs where all levels of government came together to crack down on an epidemic of crack-cocaine use that had society believing that drugs were the main problem of the criminal justice system (Burdon, Roll, Prendergast, the number of adults arrested for drug-related violations increased 273% between 1980 and 1995, in the same period, the percentage of prisoners in the custody of state correctional authorities for drug offenses increased from 6.4% to 22.7% (Burdon et al. 2001). With this rate of increase in drug offenses going through the courts system, something had to be done to manage the large number of cases that were only related to drugs. In the beginning, drug courts were only used to alleviate the overcrowding in the court system and paid no attention to treating the offender or their drug problem. In 1989, Janet Reno and Timothy Murray began a drug court program in Dade County, Florida that became a prototype for the nation (Listwan, Sch...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Terri and the Turkey Thanksgiving Day Play
Terri and the Turkey Thanksgiving Day Play The author grants permission for anyone to use this short play for educational and/or amateur purposes. Terri and the Turkey By Wade Bradford Stage Right: The humble home of Grandpa and Grandpa. Stage Left: The animal pen. Narrator: Thanksgiving. A time of joy and celebration. Of food, relaxation, and family. A day beloved by everyone. Everyone that is except†¦ Tom Turkey! (A Turkey named Tom walks on stage left, flapping his wings.) Tom: Gobble, gobble! On stage right, Grandma and Grandpa enter. Tom listens to them as they speak. GRANDMA: I mashed the potatoes, I crammed the cranberries, I yammed the yams, and now it’s time for you to do what you always do on Thanksgiving Day. GRANDPA: Watch football? GRANDMA: No! It’s time to prepare the turkey. TOM: Prepare? That doesn’t sound so bad. GRANDMA: Prepare? That’s such hard work! I have to pluck the feathers. TOM: Ow! GRANDPA: And pull out the innards. TOM: Eek! GRANDPA: And toss him in the oven. TOM: Oh my! GRANDMA: But don’t forget. First, you must chop off his head. TOM: (Grabs his neck, fearful.) And all this time I thought I was going to be the guest of honor. (PIG enters.) I’ve got to get out of here! These people are going to eat me! PIG: Oink, oink. Welcome to my world, buddy. GRANDPA: Well, I guess I better get busy. A happy couple, Mom and Dad, enter. MOM and DAD: Hi Grandpa! MOM: Happy Thanksgiving. DAD: Is there anything we can do to help? GRANDPA: I’m glad you asked that. Go out back and chop off the turkey’s head. DAD: Oh. I was hoping you would have me set the table. GRANDPA: Too bad. Get chopping! MOM: Be brave dear. DAD: But honey, you know the sight of blood makes me queasy. MOM: I’m needed in the kitchen. DAD: Well, sometimes a man has to do what a man has to do (A son and a daughter (Terri) enter.) DAD: Make his kids do the work. SON: Hey Dad, is dinner ready yet? DAD: Son, this is a very special Thanksgiving because I’m giving you a very special responsibility. I need you to chop off the turkey’s head. SON: Gross! DAD: And while you’re at it, pluck the feathers, take out the innards, and give it to Grandma to put in the oven. SON: But – but – but†¦ DAD: Have fun, son. The son turns to Terri, who has been engrossed in a book. SON: Terri! Hey bookworm! Did you hear what Dad just said to me? TERRI: No, I was too busy reading my history book. SON: You mean you didn’t hear a single word Dad said? TERRI: No. What did he say? SON: He wants you to kill the turkey. He pushes her toward the animal pen, then exits. Note: All of the other human characters have cleared the stage too. TERRI: Well, I guess if we want a turkey dinner, someone has to do it. Optional: She picks up a prop ax – make sure its something safe. TERRI: (Approaching Tom) Sorry, Mr. Turkey. The time has come. TOM: I – I – I feel faint! The turkey starts to sway back and forth. He falls to the ground. TERRI: Oh no! I think he’s having a heart attack! GRANDMA: (Entering.) Who’s having a heart attack? TERRI: (Checking the turkey’s pulse.) He doesn’t have a pulse. GRANDPA: (Entering.) I don’t have a pulse? TERRI: Not you, Grandpa. The turkey! DAD and MOM enter. DAD: Terri, what are you doing? TERRI: CPR. I learned it in health class. MOM: She’s such a good student. SON: (Entering.) What the heck is going on? TERRI: I think it’s working. Live, Mr. Turkey! Live!!! (Optional: If you want to get really silly with this skit, the actress can pretend to use a defibrillator.) TOM: (Coming back to life.) Gobble gobble! MOM: You did it honey! DAD: You saved his life. TERRI: Yep. Now I guess I better cut off his head. GRANDMA: Now wait, child. It just doesn’t seem right. TERRI: You know, according to my history book, presidents such as Harry Truman and John Kennedy have spared the lives of their turkeys. And since 1989, the White House has been granting a presidential pardon to each live turkey that is presented to the president. Maybe this year we could do the same kind of thing. GRANDMA: I think that’s a lovely idea. After all, one of the many things we should be thankful for is simply how many families have been able to have wonderful Thanksgiving dinners all because of this noble bird. Besides we have many other delicious foods we can eat. Yams, cranberries, freshly made bread, and mashed potatoes. GRANDPA: That’s right, Grandma. Now, who’s up for some pork chops? PIG: (Feeling faint.) I gotta get out of here! The End
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Palestinian-Israeli Conflict - Case Study Example Several peace solutions were made since the PLO was granted the observer status in the UN as the delegate of the Palestinian Arabs in the year 1974. Along with the UNRWA which was set up in 1949 for relief of the Palestinian refugees, numerous UN institutions were set up to support the cause of the Palestinians. The UN General Assembly resolution 3379 in 1975 which declared Zionism to be a form of racism caused the UN to lose the complete credibility as a neutral mediator in the eyes of Israel and the peace process was never an easy task for the international community. Israel and Egypt signed a peace treaty in 1979 after the US mediation, for which Israel returned the Sinai Desert to Egypt. The secret negotiations in Oslo resulted in an agreement between Israel and the Palestine in which a Palestinian National Authority was established under the leadership of Arafat and the PLO in 1994 and Israel was agreeable to gradually transfer land to this authority. However, theOslo peace proc essgot slowed down as both the parties did not stick to agreements they made and the leadership on both sides failed to build confidence and to prepare their own people for the necessary compromises. Thus, confrontations continued and the peace process gradually dragged on towards the negotiations on Camp David in 2000 which was also a failure. The then US president Bill Clinton presented the 'bridging proposals' in December 2000 which suggested the parameters for a final compromise that included a Palestinian state comprising the Gaza Strip and about 97% of the West Bank, division of Jerusalem and no right of return to Israel for Palestinian refugees. Whereas Israel received this proposal in principle, Palestinian was not ready to accept the suggestion. The two sides failed to reach a settlement in the last minute negotiations at Taba in January2001, in spite of further Israeli concessions. Both the sides, in a joint communiqu, agreed that they had never been so close to an agreeme nt, though issues such as the refugee issue remained. The peace process continued and new negotiations were made in the course of time. "Although both parties accepted the 'Road Map to Peace', launched by the Quartet of US, UN, EU and Russia in 2003, no serious peace negotiations have taken place in recent years between Israel and the Palestinians. Israeli PM Ariel Sharon did take unilateral measures such as the disengagement from the Gaza Strip in 2005, but he demanded an end to Palestinian terrorism before he would engage in negotiations with Arafat's successor Abbas concerning final status issues." (The Arab-Israeli Conflict) However, the peace process for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is still going on and the international community is expecting a miracle in the solution of the long struggle and the ongoing dispute between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The most pertinent obstacle among the various obstacles against a final and peaceful conclusion to the Palestinian Isra eli conflic
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Parental Substance Misuse the effects on Children Essay
Parental Substance Misuse the effects on Children - Essay Example Pregnancy and parenthood are important events to all people. They can serve as the spur for substance abusers to seek treatment, to continue treatment, and/or to seek assistance for their children. Parenthood may present a major opportunity for assisting clients in their treatment and assessing the needs of their children. This review has been prepared with the intention of encouraging efforts to respond to this opportunity in the United Kingdom. The proportion of women in drug abuse treatment programs or in need of drug abuse treatment has been increasing. During 2004, 30% of all admissions to drug treatment were female. (Rosenbaum, 2005) Much less is known and documented about the risks of child maltreatment associated with parental cocaine use. This is true despite the prevalence of cocaine use and evidence that cocaine dependency can substantially incapacitate the user (Robins, 2000). A May 2000 United Kingdom study yielded an â€Å"extremely conservative†estimate that some 2.2 million English are â€Å"hard core†cocaine addicts. Such users are reportedly over represented among the homeless and persons arrested for crimes. (Saunders, 2002) According to a study ‘The addicts who break into our homes, turn our neighbourhoods into war zones, and spread disease by selling their bodies are not casual, once-a-month users of illicit drugs-they are UK’s hard core addicts. The children of the hard core addict suffer even more severely, often from physical abuse, and always from neglect’. (Babbie, 2001) Generational continuity in the use of alcohol and drugs is documented in a number of recent studies (Coombs & Dickson, 2001). Adolescents are more likely to drink and use other drugs if their parents do. For example, Kandel and associates (2002) found that 82% of drinking families rise youth who also drink, while 72% of abstaining families produce
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Introduction To What Is A Hammer Mill Engineering Essay
Introduction To What Is A Hammer Mill Engineering Essay It is a machine used to shred material into fine particles (size reduction). They have many sorts of applications in many industries, including: Milling grain, Ethanol plants (corn), Grinding used shipping pallets for mulch, Sawmills, size reduction of trim scrap and planer shavings into boiler fuel or mulch, A farm machine, which mills grain into coarse flour to be fed to livestock. Operation The principle of hammermill is straightforward. A hammermill is a steel drum containing a vertical or horizontal rotating shaft or drum on which hammers are mounted. The hammers are free to swing on the ends of the cross, or fixed to the central rotor. The rotor is spun at a high speed inside the drum while material is fed into a feed hopper. The material is impacted by the hammer bars and is thereby shredded and expelled through screens in the drum of a selected size. Hammer mill apple shredder for juicing. Small grain hammermills are operated on household current. Large automobile shredders could use one or more 2000 horsepower (1.5 MW) diesel engines to power the hammermill. The Screenless hammer mill uses air flow to separate small particles from larger ones. It is designed to be more reliable, much cheaper more energy efficient than regular hammermills. In the feed processing process there may be a number of ingredients that require some form of processing. These include coarse cereal grains, corn that requires particle size reduction which will improve the ingredient performance increase the nutritive value. One of the methods to achieve this particle size reduction is using hammer-mills. Both hammering and rolling can achieve the desired result of achieving adequately ground ingredients, but other factors also need to be looked at before choosing the suitable method to grind. Excessive size reduction can lead to wasted electrical energy, unnecessary wear on mechanical equipment and possible digestive problems in livestock and poultry. For more in depth information regarding what actually occurs to the ingredients during size reduction please refer to this link: particle size reduction.  Mechanism of action: Hammer mills reduce the particle size of materials by impacting a slow moving target, such as a cereal grain, with a rapidly moving hammer. The target has low kinetic energy, whereas the hammer has high kinetic energy. The transfer of energy resulting from the collision fractures the grain into many pieces. Since impact is the primary force used in a Hammer mill to reduce the size of the particles, so, whatever increases the chance of a collision between a hammer and a target, increases the magnitude of the collision, would be an enhancer to particle size reduction. Particles produced using a hammermill are spherical in shape with a polished surface. A wide variation in the particle size distribution would occur where there will be some large-sized and many small-sized particles. Advantages: being to produce a wide range of particle sizes suitable for friable material and fiber easy to use lower cost when compared with a roller mill easy to maintain particles produced are spherical, with a surface that appears polished. Disadvantages: Less energy efficient than roller mill May generate heat so considered as a source of energy loss. Greater particle size variability (less uniform) Noisy generate dust pollution General Design The major components of these hammermills, include: A delivery device: used to introduce the material to be ground into the path of the hammers. A rotor comprised of a series of machined disks mounted on the horizontal shaft performs this task. Free-swinging hammers that are suspended from rods running parallel to the shaft and through the rotor disks. The hammers carry out the function of smashing the ingredients in order to reduce their particle size. A perforated screen and either gravity- or air-assisted removal of ground product. Acts to screen the particle size of the hammer mill to ensure particles meet a specified maximum mesh size. Feeder design Materials are introduced into the paths of the hammers by a variable speed vein feeder. This type of feeder can have its motor slaved by a programmable controller to the main drive motor of the hammer mill. The operational speed of the feeder is controlled to maintain optimum amperage loading of the main motor. Hammer design and configuration The design is determined by operating parameters such as rotor speed, motor horsepower, open area in the screen. Optimal hammer design provides maximum contact with the feed ingredient. Hammer mills in which the rotor speed is approximately 1,800 rpm, should be using hammers which are around 25cm (~ 10 inches) long, 6.35cm (~2.5 inches) wide, 6.4mm (0.25 inches) thick. A rotor speed of about 3,600 rpm, hammers should be 15 to 20 cm (~ 6-8 inches long, 5 cm (~ 2 inches) wide, 6.4 mm (0.25 inches) thick. The number of hammers used for a hammer mill of 1,800 rpm, should be 1 for every 2.5 to 3.5 horsepower, and for 3,600 rpm, one for every 1 to 2 horsepower. Hammers should be balanced on the rods so that they wonà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t trail one another. The distance between hammer and screen should be 12 to 14 mm (~ 1/2 inch) for size reduction of cereal grains. The velocity is important for proper size reduction. Tip speed is the speed of the hammer at its furthest edge(tip) from the rotor, and is calculated by : Range of tip speeds seen in hammermills is commonly in the range between 5,000 and 7,000 m/min (~ 16,000 and 23,000 feet per minute). When the tip speeds exceed 23,000 feet per minute, consideration must be given to the design of the hammer mill, the materials used, and the fabrication of components. Changing the rotational speed of the drive source is not a recommended method of increasing hammer speed in excess of 23,000 feet per minute. The primary force used in hammermill is the impact, which increases the chance of a collision between a hammer and a target provides an advantage in particle size reduction. The magnitude of the collision is increased by increasing the speed of the hammers. Screen Design The amount of open area in a hammer mill screen controls the particle size and grinding efficiency. The screen must be designed to provide the greatest amount of open area. Recommended ratio for grains would be 55 cm2 (~ 8-9 inches square) per horsepower (Bliss, 1990). The removal of sized material from a hammermill is a critical design feature. Proper output of material affects not only the efficiency of operation, but also particle size. When the correct ratio of screen area to horsepower is used and proper distance between hammers and screen face is maintained. Excessive size reduction is anti-productive. Energy is wasted in the heat production, throughput is restricted, resulting in the particles becoming too small. Most newer hammermills are equipped with an air-assist system that draws air into the hammer mill with the product to be ground. Systems are designed to provide reduced pressure on the exit side of the screen to disrupt the fluidized bed of material on the face of the screen, thus allowing particles to exit through screen holes. Some full circle hammer mills are designed so the screen is in two pieces. It is possible to use a larger hole size on the upward arc of the hammers to further reduce the amount of material on the face of the screen.  Hammer Mill Perforated Screens Hammer mills screens are used inside a hammer mill to seperate particle sizes. Particle of small diameter that has been grinded by the hammer mill passes through the screen and leaves the hammer mill with the aid of the pneumatic system. Application: Hammer Mills Uses and Advantages in Grinding Oil Seeds Other Materials Availability Hammer Mills are known as the best grinding machine for all kinds of material, besides oil seeds. A wide assortment of highly developed and advanced Hammer Mills / Disintegrators are available in the market today. They are fabricated to have a strong and sturdy body and are also available in different types, size, and capacities. These come with automatic controls, which makes the machines very easy to use. The number of hammers can also be customized as however the user requires it. Its use increases the output by a large quantity, thus saving more time and energy. Oil Seeds Grinding Grinding of seeds with Hammer Mills increases the quality level of the seeds. Some of the seeds that can be grinded and disintegrated using Hammer Mills are as follows: Cotton seeds Ground nuts Copra Soybeans, etc. Advantages of Using Hammer Mill in oil seed grinding: * Efficient grinding at the shortest time. * Time and Effort saving. * Less electricity power consumption. * Available in different capacities sizes. * Very low maintenance. Conclusion: Hammer Mill is the most common equipment used for the purpose of particle size reduction. It has wide scale of applications in grinding seeds, nuts, and beans and other materials for more industrial purposes. It has the advantage of High efficacy in the shortest time. Thus, considered time saving and less consuming for the human efforts. Beside the low energy consumption, high availability and ease of use and maintenance. It has some drawbacks the most important of which are energy loss, less uniform product and being noisy dust polluting. Its mechanism of action had been explained above in details that it acts to reduce the size of the particles, so, whatever increases the chance of a collision between a hammer and a target, increases the magnitude of the collision, would be an enhancer to particle size reduction.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Plato, Descartes, and The Matrix Essay
The Matrix movie had many similarities with the readings from Plato and Descartes. All three discussed the scenario in which reality was discovered to be a non-reality. Specifically, in The Matrix, reality that was experienced by multitudes of people is actually a computer simulation called â€Å"The Matrix†. This is actually a deviation from the Plato and Descartes readings in that computers were not mentioned or available at the time of those writings. Plato (380 BC) speaks of people having their â€Å"legs and necks fettered from childhood†, while a source of the restraint is not specifically mentioned, it is most certainly a physical restraint as opposed to the material, computer generated reality as described in The Matrix movie. Descartes was the only one of the three situations that contemplated God in the various reality verses truth contemplations. Plato speaks to the initial shock of discovering that known reality is actually a lie and goes on to speak of the resulting repercussions of this discovery. The denial of the true reality is so tangible that the people in the described scenario would rather believe that the lie was real than to believe and accept what they were actually experiencing. In The Matrix movie (1999) Morpheus asks â€Å"Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real?†Similarly, Descartes (1641) also contemplates how often he dreamt that he was in familiar circumstances, dressed and by a fire, only to realize that he was undressed and lying in bed. Plato, Descartes, and The Matrix are all similar in that they consider people living in a world that they discover is not real and that they exist in perceived delusions that produce resulting anti-realities. The Matrix movie is parallel to the Descartes reading in that they both examine our senses as sources of realities. Descartes contemplates how our senses occasionally mislead us whereas The Matrix describes a continual sensual overhaul which is controlling our mind and ultimate realities while our bodies lay dormant. In The Matrix movie Neo never expresses happiness over his liberation from the computer program but he does feel the need to liberate those still living under the control of the computer program. In contrast, the Plato reading describes and expresses a feeling of joy that would be experienced after emerging from the controlled reality. Can we prove the world we are experiencing is real? In order to contemplate how we know that our current state of being is real we must first decide what â€Å"real†is to us. What is reality? In my opinion, reality is what we see, hear, smell, feel and taste in the present. Reality is what is occurring to us right now, this very second. Is what is happening to us, the world we are experiencing, real and can we prove that it is real? How do we know we are not dreaming? It has been my experience that dreams do not produce anything but thoughts and visions. I do not feel, taste or smell while dreaming. Therefore I can prove that the world I am currently experiencing, while I type this essay, is real because I can feel the keyboard that I am typing on and I can taste and smell the coffee that I am drinking. Which is better: the harshness of reality or the â€Å"ignorance is bliss†of illusion? In my opinion, the harshness of reality is a far better state than the â€Å"ignorance is bliss†illusion. I believe this to be true because I believe that true depth of character cannot be achieved without experiencing the full harshness of reality. How can our intellects and philosophies be explored without experiencing the full range of life events? If you lived your life in ignorance then the world you experienced would skew the thoughts you pondered while excluding the full range of contemplations, restricting them to a bliss-filled reality. With intelligence comes a plethora of knowledge, both good and bad. Conclusion In conclusion, through the viewing of The Matrix and the reading of both Plato and Descartes, we can see that all three bring to mind many philosophical questions related to actual and perceived reality. Obviously, it is very fascinating to imagine a world where alternative and controlled realities are possible and even very real. The truth is sometimes stranger than fiction and, in my opinion, The Matrix and the thoughts contemplated by Plato and Descartes are just stories that will never be reality. I believe that my Christian worldview is such that would prevent me from ever believing any different. While all of the situations explored were interesting, they will remain, in my mind, fantasies. References Plato. (380 BC). â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave.†In The Republic (Book VII, 514A1 – 518D8). Descartes, R. (1641). Meditation I of The Things of Which We May Doubt. In Meditations on First Philosophy. Wachowski, Andy, and Lana Wachowski. The Matrix. Directed by Andy Wachowski and Lana Wachowski. Los Angeles: Warner Bros. Pictures, 1999.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Medical Records and the Implementation of Health Informatics
Introduction Health Informatics or Medical Informatics is the intersection of information science, computer science, and health care. Health Informatics offers resources, devices, and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information in health and biomedicine. The applicable areas would be nursing, clinical care, dentistry, pharmacy, public health, and bio medical research. Electronic health information systems are the science that addresses how to use information to improve health care. This paper will present the concept of electronic health records (EHRs) and the current developments and analysis of the transition and implementation of health informatics in health care organizations†¦show more content†¦Electronic health records only allow access to the required information from authorized personnel. Electronic Records and Physicians The evolution of health care informatics developed in four stages. The development of bioinformatics the first stage, in the 1950s, medical informatics was the second stage in the 1960s, public health informatics, the third stage in the 1990s also consumer health informatics, the fourth stage in the 1990s. In the first stage of health care informatics, Robert Ledley was the first to use a computer for health purposes at the National Bureau of Standards, to study dental projects. The field of Health Informatics collects data from a variety of patients, and uses that information to create successful patient care. Health Informatics is a combination of computer sciences, communication technologies, biological, and cognitive sciences to address today’s health care problems utilizing data management, analysis, and transmission. Dental hygienists handle vast amounts of data in clinical practice. There are new techniques/products that they read about on the Internet, and they ask if this particular treatment would be of benefit. On the other side of the equation, we find that dental hygienists are using the Internet to search for the same types of information. However, being bombarded with a plethora of information from both sides of the spectrum, howShow MoreRelatedEvolution of Healthcare Informatics893 Words  | 4 Pagesadmittedly simplistic method of storing and accessing this vital medical information: a paper chart, pencil, and clipboard. While scrawling a diagnostic conjecture or the result of blood test on a patients official medical record sufficed until the dawn of the computing age, with the advent of mainframe databases in the early 1960s, digital data storage in the late 1990s, and cloud computing today, the concept of healthcare informatics has emerged to enable nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and otherRead MoreKey Functional Areas of Nursing Informatics1562 Words  | 6 PagesNursing informatics Key functional areas of nursing informatics There are 9 key functional areas of nursing informatics. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Spanish Indirect-Object Pronouns
Spanish verbs can be accompanied by direct and indirect objects. A direct object is the noun or pronoun that the verb acts directly on, while an indirect object is the person affected by the action but not acted directly upon. So in a sentence such as I see Sam, Sam is the direct object of see because Sam is the object that is seen. But in a sentence such as I am writing Sam a letter, Sam is the indirect object. The item being written is letter, so letter is the direct object. Sam is the indirect object as one who is affected by the verbs action on the direct object. Spanish Differentiates Betweem Direct and Indirect Objects If youre learning Spanish, the distinction can be important to make because Spanish, unlike English, sometimes uses different pronouns for direct and indirect objects. It is also important to note that many Spanish sentences use indirect-object pronouns where a different construction is used in English. For example, me pintà ³ la casa would typically be translated as he painted the house for me. In fact, one sign of an indirect object in English is that it usually can be understood, to use me as an example, as for me or to me. For instance, he bought her the ring is the same as he bought the ring for her. In that first sentence, her is an indirect object. (The Spanish equivalent would be à ©l le comprà ³ el anillo.) Here are the indirect-object pronouns along with their English equivalents and examples of their uses: me  me  Juan me da una camisa. (John is giving me a shirt.)te  you (singular familiar)  Juan te da una camisa. (John is giving you a shirt.)le  you (singular formal), him, her  Juan le da una camisa a usted. (John is giving you a shirt.) Juan le da una camisa a à ©l. (John is giving him a shirt.) Juan le da una camisa a ella. (John is giving her a shirt.)nos  us  Marà a nos da unas camisas. (Mary is giving us some shirts.)os  you (plural familiar)  Marà a os da unas camisas. (Mary is giving you some shirts.)les  you (plural formal), them  Marà a les da unas camisas. (Mary is giving you some shirts, or Mary is giving them some shirts.) Note that the direct-object and indirect-object pronouns are identical in the first and second persons. Where they differ is in the third person, where the only indirect objects (except in what is usually considered substandard speech) are le and les. Using Indirect Objects in Special Cases As some of the above examples indicate, an indirect-object pronoun is used whenever a sentence includes an indirect object, even though a pronoun might not be used in English. A further clause can be added for clarity or emphasis, but, unlike in English, an indirect pronoun is the norm. For example, le escribà could mean I wrote to him, I wrote to her or I wrote to you, depending on the context. To clarify, we can add a prepositional phrase, as in le escribà a ella for I wrote to her. Note that le is still typically used, even though a ella makes it redundant. Both direct- and indirect-object pronouns are typically placed before conjugated verbs, as in the above examples. They can be (but dont have to be) attached to infinitives and present participles: Te voy a escribir una carta and voy a escribirte una carta (I am going to write you a letter) are both correct, as are le estoy comprando un coche and estoy comprà ¡ndole un coche (I am buying him a car). In commands, direct and/or indirect objects are attached to affirmative commands but precede negative commands. Escrà beme (write me), but no me escribas (dont write me). Note that in affirmative commands and when attaching an object to a present participle, attaching the object at the end of the verb can result in an orthographic accent being needed to keep the stress on the correct syllable. If you have a direct object and an indirect object with the same verb, the indirect object comes first. Te las escribo. (I am writing them to you.) Sample Sentences Using Indirect-Object Pronouns Indirect objects are shown in these sentences in boldface. Object pronouns in regular type are direct objects or objects of prepositions. No le voy a dar el gusto a nadie de vencerme tan facilmente. (I am not going to give anyone the pleasure of defeating me so easily. A nadie is a redundant phrase; le remains necessary. The -me of vencerme is a direct object.) ¿Nunca me has visto beber algo mà ¡s que una copa de vino? (Have you never seen me drink more than one cup of wine? Beber here is an infinitive acting as a direct object.)Le construyeron un gimnasio para que pudiera ejercitarse. (They built him/her a gymnasium so he/she could exercise. Note that the indirect object here can apply to both males and females.)Queremos decirle a ella que ella forma gran parte de nuestras vidas. (We want to tell her that she makes up a big part of our lives. Que and the words following function as a direct object.)
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